
Regional Forest Directorate Karjali

RFD Kardzhali is placed on the South-Eastern part of Bulgaria – Eastern Rhodope Mountain and parts of Thrace valley and Sakar Mountain

Overall area managed by the RFD Kardzhali is 8051 км2, which is 7.3% of the whole territory of BULGARIA. The forests in RFD Kardzhali are spread on 337 029 ha. The average timber stock per hectare is 98.2 м3. Non-state forests are 19.02% from the total area uncer the management of the Directorate.

RFD is run by a Director and two Deputies. The Directorate is divided on administrative reasons to two Divisions: Common and Specialized, in which are working all together 11 experts – state officers, and 25 officers on labour contracts.

Working hours:
Corruption and forestry violations are to be reported at

0877 033 112

or online